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Current Work Program
The vast data acquired by Atlas and other companies has been compiled and converted into digital format to define areas of high-grade gold within the known or recently mined out gold deposits. These areas of interest are being further evaluated to define drill targets at depth below the existing open pits. Several such areas have been noted to date near the Gold Bar pit, the Millsite target and the Gold Canyon pit.
The primary focus of current work at Gold Bar is deep exploration drilling below the largest of the open pits mined during modern times. The target deposit is a deep, high grade Carlin-type gold deposit similar to the Meikle Mine on the Carlin trend. These deposits, while deep, have significant positive economic impact.
The Gold Bar Main Pit locale is a good site for this exploration because of the following geological characteristics. The property is located at the intersection of the Battle Mountain--Eureka Mineral Belt and the Cortez Rift, two of the major gold mineral belts in Nevada. Local geology is extremely favorable, with the Roberts Mountains Thrust Fault and erosional windows through the thrust faults present on the property. The most favorable host rock formation for Carlin-type disseminated gold deposits is the Roberts Mountains Formation limestones, which are present at depth on the property. Classic feeder-fault systems apparently exist below the gold deposits that were mined during modern times in open pits, and are guides to potential deeper, high grade Carlin-type gold deposits.
The results from the first deep hole completed at Gold Bar were announced during March 2004, and are very positive from an exploration point of view. The Roberts Mountains Formation favorable host rocks were encountered at depth near the postulated feeder fault system below the Gold Bar Main open pit.
The Roberts Mountains Formation in the core is hydrothermally altered and silicified. Significant geochemical anomalies are present in the Roberts Mountains Formation in the core. This information is very positive and suggests that the target high grade gold deposit may be nearby.
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